World Encephalitis Day

According to The Encephalitis Society, 77% of people do not know what encephalitis is. We want to help improve the encephalitis awareness through sharing information from The Encephalitis Society and the NHS.

Running each year on 22nd February, it is World Encephalitis Day which is led by The Encephalitis Society.

Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, which is usually caused by an infection. Although encephalitis is uncommon, it is a serious condition that requires urgent hospital treatment.

It can start off with flu-like symptoms, and develop to more serious symptoms such as seizures, weakness and loss of consciousness.

Recovery from encephalitis can be long and frustrating and many may not make a full recovery and can suffer with long-term problems that are caused by damage to the brain.

Research from The Encephalitis Society has shown that survivors of encephalitis risk having issues with their mental health through both the acute stages and recovery.

If you have been affected by encephalitis, or any long-term conditions please consider sharing your story with us.

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