Co-Production: Why Working Together Matters

Monday 1 July marks the start of Co-production Week 2024, and this year's theme is "Co-production: What’s Missing?", but what is Co-production and how do we do it?
Co-production is when people and service providers work together to design, deliver, and assess health and social care services. It values the ideas and experiences of local people in the community and makes sure that they are included when decisions need to be made.
As your health and social care champion, we help to make co-production happen. When you share your stories and experiences of using local health and social care services with us, we analyse and try to understand what improvements could be made. We then raise them with local NHS and social care leaders and encourage that your voices influence change.
We also use co-production in our own ways of working. Every year, you, the people of Stoke-on-Trent, decide our key projects for the year by taking part in surveys, sharing your stories, and telling us what matters to you. When working with local groups and organisations, we want to make sure that we’re giving you the opportunity to have your say in a way that is convenient to you.
We believe that everyone in Stoke-on-Trent has something valuable to contribute to the improvement of care.