Under a new plan published today, people will benefit from millions more NHS dental appointments over the next year. Read Healthwatch England's response.
Stoke-on-Trent City Council are working with NHS colleagues to review and modernise local reablement services in 2024. As a result we would like to talk to people who have used the City Council’s Enablement service or the Home First Service provided by the NHS during the last 12 months.
Measles vaccination rates are at a ten-year low as cases rise nationwide. Find out about measles, who can get the vaccine, and what you can do to stay safe.
This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. Our new blog brings together some of the key challenges people have shared about cervical screening with local Healthwatch and outlines the steps we are taking nationally to address those.
Thanks to over 2,500 people who shared their views on the six-week check-up, we have ensured that the NHS prioritises mental health support for new parents.
The NHS published their primary care recovery plan last May, and thanks to so many of you sharing your feedback about your experiences, we ensured it promised lots of changes.
In July last year, we published our findings of experiences you shared about trying to get cancer care. Thanks to this insight, the NHS has simplified their process so people can better understand what to expect.
If you are looking to share your stories and experiences of local health and social care services with us over Christmas, keep in mind our opening hours and other ways to get in touch.
Homeless people have worse mental and physical health than the general population. Our research shows issues with access to the health and social care they need.